97 Union St. Watertown, MA 02472
Phone:  617-923-0930
E-mail:  storyvilleps@aol.com

Storyville is excited to announce our new toddler program! The program is for children ages 15 months to 2.8 years, and focuses on enhancing the social, emotional, cognitive and motor development of each child. Our teachers create a warm and nurturing environment to meet the needs of each child, and to make sure their first school experience is happy, comfortable, and stimulating.

Toddlers are explorers, and curious about their environment. Storyville Teachers embrace and build upon that curiosity by providing children with many open-ended learning activities that encourage the children to use their imagination and creativity.

Our Toddler teachers are certified through the Department of Early Education and Care, and have earned or are working towards Bachelor’s degrees in Early Childhood Development. Each Toddler classroom has two certified Teachers per nine children.